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ESL Structured Curriculum leads to Equity
English Lab is our envision for ELs nationwide. All schools will embrace Pull-Out Services and adopt a Structured ESL Curriculum. Schools will set up a Language School inside the school building.

Through extensive paper research it is proved that ESL services currently taking place at schools are not efficient, leading to an unsurmountable gap in education for English Learners. According to research done by the Institute of Education Sciences under the U.S. Department of Education, the average time ELs spent in classrooms to reach proficiency is 3.8 years (more than 1520 days). This time could be drastically decreased to 1 year and 10 academic months (300 days).
This project is targeted to decrease the existing gap in EL’s education by transitioning schools from the Full Immersion Program currently taking place nationwide, to Pull-Out Services and provide world’s first-class ESL classes by making usage of an ESL Structured Curriculum.

Power in Numbers


students served in two years


students served in three years


students served in four years

Project Gallery

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